Ukraine interview on SME business development in new markets

The Cleantech Initiative East Germany (CIO) and the Automotive Suppliers Network Saxony (AMZ) are two projects of RKW Saxony dedicated to the business development of SMEs in new markets. It is exciting to take a look outside the known and developed markets and to focus on industries that deal with future issues of society and […]

CADA takes new Associated Partner on board

For the first time in its history, the Chemnitz Automated Driving Alliance takes an Associated Partner on board. As such, this partner has the task to act as a multiplier for the association and to spread the idea of CADA in Chemnitz and beyond.


Chemnitz is not the first association when you hear the word “culture”. Nor do you think of the Saxon city when the term “technology” is mentioned. Both could change soon: On the one hand, Chemnitz was recently named European Capital of Culture 2025, which brought the city a lot of international attention – but there […]

Overcoming boundaries

staff-eye paves the way for new markets, offering linked consulting and IT services Managing Director Alexander Kovalenko is sometimes known to take a very literal approach to overcoming boundaries: “A customer needed a production part that could only be obtained in Korea. Everyone told me it takes recommendations and a lot of time to do […]

Closing the Industrial Skills Gap with Augmented-Reality

The challenge to keep and retain skilled workers is hardly new, but the skills gap has been accelerating in recent years. By 2025, analysts anticipate over 2,000,000 skilled manufacturing jobs will go unfilled. Compare that to 600,000 unfilled jobs in 2011.

AR for the energy and utilities sectors: undeniable advantages

XR in the utilities sector has undeniable advantages: lower service costs, improved maintenance process, more effective remote maintenance, greater security for employees. AR will generate $ 18 billion in global energy and utility sales. What is this money used for?